Location Kubed Realty, LLC
Robert Hawthorne
Robert Hawthorne

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Robert is a North Carolina native, spending most of his life in the Cary area.  He was born at Fort Bragg and raised in Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Leaving to attend college in Greensboro and then transferring to N.C. State in Raleigh to study electrical engineering. He started his career working in engineering in the radio broadcasting industry before moving to a successful Retail Sales Management career, winning numerous sales awards, including President’s Council and Leaders Club and being recognized for sales and technical training of the retail team. Robert is associated with a national and international company in Cary handling their IT department for the last several years which is also one of his passions of using technology.
Robert’s passion for real estate evolved even more after starting a starting a company and associating with a private money lender. He and his wife saw the need in the real estate industry and began offering the service across the country. Robert’s next logical step was to become a licensed Real Estate Agent to further his passions of working with people to fulfill their interest of all aspects or real estate from buying, selling, investing and other important aspects to people’s lives. Robert’s goal is to provide that professional personalized service from start to finish.
Robert is married to a wonderful woman and has two grown children, who are very successful in their careers. He enjoys technology, gardening, wood working and reading in his spare time.
Robert conducts business the way he approaches life, with honesty and integrity. He believes in giving you the customer, the best possible representation you deserve and won’t give anything less until the job is done. Robert has the knowledge, confidence, motivation and determination to help you make sound and reasonable decisions for the important real estate decisions in your life.
Robert invites you to contact him today.


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What my clients are saying  

From the start of our home sale process, Robert provided much needed guidance. At each stage, he gave us perspective, insight into the current housing market, and offered suggestions on how to move forward. It was clear during this entire process that Robert had our best interest in mind. - Jonathan


~ Jonathan

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